
repositories, notebooks, gists, datasets, etc.

Some of the projects are here to showcase my skills and some are just for fun. You can see it as a proof of competence if the project doesnt seem to be related to my domain of expertise.

Github repositories

  • model-suite - A python package that implements a suite of deep learning models.
  • sphere eversion animation - Thurston’s sphere eversion animation in Three.js. Play with the live demo.
  • Tissue Segmentation on Histopathology Imagery - A tissue segmentation model for histopathology imagery.
  • ain3003-term-project - Kubernetes mongodb flask showcase project.
  • ain3003-hw2 - MySQL queries for a database of a library.
  • ain3005-final-project - A library automation system that utilizes Apache kafka, docker compose, mongodb, flask.
  • rubics-cube - A python package for simulating, visualizing and generating solutions for Rubik’s cube.
  • unet_explainer - A two part tutorial for understanding U-Net architecture. These notebooks were used as a workshop material for a group of radiologists.
  • learn-images - [WIP] A python package for exploring Gaussian Fourier Features on deep learning models. See this paper.
  • datathon23 - Our solution for the METU statistics club Datathon 2023. The task was time series forecasting for a supermarket chain.
  • kaggle-login - A github action for logging in to kaggle.
  • huggingface-login - A github action for logging in to huggingface.
  • migros-datathon - Our solution for the Migros Datathon Coderspace.
  • kaggle-api - A streamlit application for generating shields custom images by turning the images into base64 data. Very old and not very useful.
  • ain2002-project - Stroke predictions machine learning project for the course “INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING” at my university.
  • Poisson-Disc-Sampling - A python implementation of Poisson Disc Sampling algorithm. Watch the video animated with Manim.
  • Quiz-Program- A simple quiz program written in PyQT5 with CSS styling.
  • Sorting-Algorithms - A visualization of sorting algorithms written in Pillow package. Watch the Youtube playlist
  • Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax - A simple tic-tac-toe game with minimax algorithm written in Tkinter.
  • Fire damage severity analysis tool - A streamlit Google Earth Engine application for analyzing fire damage severity just by looking at publicly available satellite imagery.
  • huggingface-zenodo-datasets - A huggingface dataset that lets you download a file from zenodo with a single line of code.
  • CMP2003-project - A C++ implementation of Recommender algorithm for the IMDB dataset.
  • kaggle-wheels-dataset - A dataset generator for kaggle competitions. It downloads the python wheels of the packages you use in your notebook and uploads them to the dataset. It is useful for kaggle code competitions that do not allow internet access.
  • delete-old-build-branches - A github action for deleting old build branches. It was very useful in my latex document builder project. Every branch has its own build branches that are created after every push. After the Pull Request is merged, the build branches are not needed anymore. This action deletes those build branches.
  • 8-game - An 8 game solver that implements most search algorithms. It also uses a tkinter interface to visualize the game and the interface.

Kaggle Notebooks


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Docker images

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